
                    The DMARC aggregate reports are produced as XML files. This could as well be written in a different language to the inexperienced eye. These complicated XML files are transformed into information you can understand by our platform. PowerDMARC can condense important data into graphs, charts, and numbers that are understandable to even a layperson. Data processing and analysis made simple for DMARC.


  • DMARC Compliance
  • SPF & DKIM alignment
  • PowerDMARC Top 5 Threats
  • Outbound Email Overview

                          To better serve you, we employ some of the most sophisticated and cutting-edge tools available. You can recognize harmful sources attempting to spoof your brand with the aid of our AI-driven Threat Intelligence (TI) engine. This enables us to maintain a close eye on your domain in order to determine who has access to it globally, their IP address, host name, as well as any history of domain abuse. You may be confident that if they try a spoofing attack while using your domain, we will know who they are, where they are, and how to stop them.

             Beyond a certain point, it becomes impractical to keep track of every IP address that could be used to spoof your domain. You must be informed not only of the appearance of new hostile sources, but also of active attacks.


                                      Your personal sentry is PowerDMARC’s in-house DMARC Threat Intelligence (TI) engine, which is on duty 24 hours a day. Our AI-based threat detection solution employs sophisticated algorithms to quickly find each IP’s location on worldwide blacklists as well as the reputation of the transmitting hostname in emails. All of them working with a level of accuracy that no human could ever match.

  There is a 10-lookup DNS restriction for SPF records. Your SPF record may go above the limit if your company has a large geographic footprint or if you rely on outside contractors to send email on your behalf. Your SPF implementation becomes invalid as a result, and your email may be unable to authenticate. 

With the push of a button and PowerSPF, you can instantly optimize your SPF record. You won’t ever need to consider that lookup limit again.

 Your email authentication approach is completely under your control thanks to the PowerDMARC API (Application Programmable Interface). It is a safe, dependable approach to make sure recipients read, trust, and receive your emails.



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