

                                 Device administration is made easier with Scalefusion UEM, which also guarantees unrivaled device security and compliance. Whether you’re in charge of managing smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops, or IoT devices, our solution is made to help you gain control over your whole fleet of devices.

                       It might be difficult and complicated to manage devices. When organizations use a variety of mobile devices with various operating systems and ownership models, provisioning, administration, and security maintenance need multiple IT hours. With the aid of Scalefusion, IT controls are streamlined and visibility is improved across different devices.


  • Enforce Passcode Policy
  • SafetyNet Attestation
  • MDM Kiosk Mode
  • Factory Reset Protection
  • Control Screen Capture
  • Configure Wi-Fi Settings
  • Detect Compliance Violations
  • Remote Wipe/Factory Reset
  • Security Incidents Monitoring
  • Restrict Profile Removal
  • Administrator Activity Logs
  • Data Sharing Restrictions


                         For the protection of vital firm data held on mobile devices, enforce strict password regulations.Check the compatibility, integrity, and security of Android devices and apply the appropriate policies.A device can be locked into a single or multi-app Kiosk mode by an IT administrator, blocking access to the system settings and all other programs.Allowing or disabling a group of Google Accounts to sign in to a device after a factory reset

                Don’t let your staff use their personal smartphones to screenshot business apps.Push Wi-Fi configurations, preventing device access to unknown networks.Give the IT administrator the authority to spot compliance problems and take the necessary corrective action.


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